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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions from new users.
It's a great starting point for your journey!

What payment methods are accepted?

We securely process payments via Stripe, accepting credit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, and crypto currencies.

Is the product safe?

Yes. Our goal is to deliver a safe and undetected tool, so safety is our number one priority.

Can I get banned using it?

Chances for a detection are close to 0, so the only way you can get yourself banned is by doing weird stuff, like wiping lobbies or shooting people thru walls. As long as you play and look legit, you are safe.

Why should I choose Valkyrie?

Because safety is our priority, unlike other software providers we focus on legit gameplay so you can enjoy our product and level up your account for a long time. Valkyrie is not a rage cheat, it's a legit cheat and if used right it will never get you banned.

Do I get any instructions after purchase?

Yes, after payment you will be redirected to your profile page where you can find instructions and your access key.

Do you provide any support?

Yes, if you got any questions or need help setting up the software, or you simply need someone to talk to, feel free to open a ticket on our discord server. Our support team is active 24/7 because were all located in different timezones. So it doesnt matter if you are in NA or EU timezone, we will always help you within 10 minutes.

How does the software work?

Our software operates at the kernel level of your PC, allowing it to run undetected by traditional monitoring systems. This low-level integration helps it avoid detection by anti-cheat software, ensuring seamless functionality without interference.

How do i get rid of it after im done playing?

Our software is simplified to the maximum so if you want to get rid of it just restart your PC! After restart the loader deletes itself and cleans all the traces, so your pc is just like it was before using it.

Do you guys offer any discounts?

Yes, you can find some discount codes on announcements channel most of the time, if you cant find any there just open a support ticket and ask.

How does the refferal program work?

Our refferal program is pretty simple, make sure your friend registers via the link you can find under your profile, and after he purchases a subscription reach out to us to claim your prize.

Is the wallhack stream proof?

No due to the nature of our wallhack it is visible on discord/twitch streams.

Is it hard to set it up?

No our loader is simplified to the maximum thus you only have to disable your antivirus and it will do the rest for you, and don't worry even if you manage to screw something up, loader will notify you about it and in rare cases it will just close itself so you don't get yourself banned by an accident.